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AP capital is not Vizag but Amravati: PIB Clarifies DNS

* (DNS report: P. Raja, Bureau Chief, Amravati) *

* Amravati, August 29, 2021 (DNS): * The Andhra Pradesh capital is Amravati, not in Vizag, Press Information Bureau officials clarifies DNS News.

On July 26, 2021, Congress MP Kumbhakudi Sudhakaran and Pradyut Boroloy from Kerala asked a starred question (question number 84) on petrol and diesel prices. Said in advance. In this list, Vizag is registered as the capital of Andhra Pradesh. PIB officials said it was published incorrectly. However, the capital of Andhra Pradesh is Amravati, not Vizag. The message received from PIB is as follows:.

In the Lok Sabha starred question number 84 answered on 26th July, 2021, the Hon’ble Members of Parliament had asked the amount of taxes, cesses and

excise duty collected by the Union Government on petrol and diesel from March 2020 till date, including the monthly details of collection, state-wise. The reply to the answer included an annexure in which state-wise break up of variations in state levies & taxes between 01.07.20 and 21.07.21 was given. In the annexure, the details given in the third column mentioning the cities was only in the sense of giving a reference city for the purpose of state levies and duty prevalent in the concerned state. The heading of the column number 3 may please be read as “Capital City/Reference City”.

Lok Sabha secretariat is also being informed accordingly about the amendment in the reply.

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