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ACB traced Rs.117 Cr scam in AP CMRF funds

( DNS Report: P. Raja, Bureau Chief, Amaravati )

Amravati, Sep 22, 2021 (DNS Online): The ACB officials traced out misappropriation of Rs 117 crore funds in distribution of AP Chief Minister's Relef  Fund (CMRF) through cheques. Cases already been registered. ACB also recognizes the role of Secretariat employees in it. The ACB found that some employees of the secretariat were involved in the scam.  In the distribution of checks  ACB officials had earlier found that Rs 117 crore had been misappropriated. It seems that the ACB has identified the PAs of the people's representatives and their followers as being involved in this scam. About 50 people are suspected to be involved in the scandal.  Many have already been

arrested.  The ACB also noted the role of some employees in the  Secretariat. Further enquiry is going on.

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