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Hindu temple priest brutally killed in WG dist

*(DNS Report: P. Raja, Bureau Chief, Amaravati )*

*Amavarati, Mar 22, 2022 (DNS Online ):* A priest was brutally murdered at a Temple premises in West Godavari district on Monday night. This incident taken place in Tadimalla village of Nidadavolu Mandal. Accourding to police sources, Mr. Kottalanka Shivanageswara, who was working as a priest in a Shiva temple in the village, was killed inside the temple by unidentified persons. Priest wife informed family members that her husband not reached home even at mid night. The members of his family could not found him at the temple. Even his vhicle was not found at the temple, They finally they noticed his body lying in a pool of blood inside the temple premises in the early hours on Tuesday. 

Son-in-law of the priest

immediately informed the police. Police suspected it was a land dispute issue between brothers. Police registered the case and Nudadavolu crew investigating it.

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